Third-Party Management

To register new clients and suppliers, we first need to go to the “Third Parties” section in the top bar. Once there, the lateral menu will show different options, including “New potential client,” “New Client,” and “New Supplier.” Create a third party: Once we select the option we need, a form will open for us … Read more

Banks and Cash

To access Banks/Cash, we need to click on the Bank|Cash tab in the top menu. The basic concepts to keep in mind in this module are: – Account: Deposit of money in a financial institution where various items (income/expenses) can be charged. – Direct Debit: Act of authorizing payments or collections charged or credited to … Read more

Financial Management

To access Financial, we need to click on the Financial tab in the top menu. The basic concepts to keep in mind in this module are:  – Invoice: A commercial document that reflects all the information of a sales transaction.  – Donation: The act of giving funds or other material goods selflessly.   – Fee: Payment … Read more

Commercial Management

To access Commercial, we need to click on the Commercial tab in the top menu. The basic concepts to keep in mind in this module are:  – Quotation: A document provided to a client informing them of the cost of the sale of products and/or the provision of services.  – Order: A request made to … Read more

How to enable dual authentication factor in Zimbra (2FA)

How it works The use of two-factor authentication to prove your users’ identity is based on the premise that an unauthorized actor is unlikely to be able to supply both factors required for access. If, in an authentication attempt, at least one of the components is missing or incorrect, the user’s identity is not established … Read more

Zero day exploit vulnerability issue for Zimbra 8.8.15

A new zero-day exploit has been identified that affects Zimbra 8.8.15. Since becoming aware of the reported vulnerability, Zimbra Engineering has verified the issue and produced a patch (for 8.8.15 p30). Since last week we have been applying the patch to the different Zimbra services that use this version, solving any security problems that may … Read more

How to “Show Original” in a Zimbra Email

One of Zimbra’s features is the ability to display the full content of received messages, in order to analyze technical aspects, such as the antispam system score, or message headers, among other information. In order to view the original content of a Zimbra message, we have to go over the Zimbra message from which we … Read more