Build OnlyOffice from source code (2023-09)

Introduction Onlyoffice is an online Office suite based on Web. It lets you to edit Microsoft Office documents such as docx, pptx, xlsx and other Open Document files such as odt, ods and odp. In our Zimbra and Nextcloud SaaS service we offer Onlyoffice integration in order to view and edit documents. This article shows … Read more

Build OnlyOffice from source code (2023)

Introduction Onlyoffice is an online Office suite based on Web. It lets you to edit Microsoft Office documents such as docx, pptx, xlsx and other Open Document files such as odt, ods and odp. In our Zimbra and Nextcloud SaaS service we offer Onlyoffice integration in order to view and edit documents. This article shows … Read more

Sincronizar calendarios (CalDAV) y contactos (CardDAV) en Android con DAVx⁵

1. Para sincronizar nuestros calendarios y contactos con DAVx⁵, nos dirigiremos primeramente a Google Play o F-Droid, para comprar y descargar la aplicación, que nos permitirá hacerlo. Para ello podemos abrir el siguiente enlace o bien buscarla manualmente. Para comprarla: Para descarga gratuita: 2. Para buscarla manualmente buscaremos Google Play (representado con un … Read more

How to enable dual authentication factor in Zimbra (2FA)

How it works The use of two-factor authentication to prove your users’ identity is based on the premise that an unauthorized actor is unlikely to be able to supply both factors required for access. If, in an authentication attempt, at least one of the components is missing or incorrect, the user’s identity is not established … Read more

Build OnlyOffice from source code (2022)

NEW VERSION AVAILABLE: Introduction Onlyoffice is an online Office suite based on Web. It lets you to edit Microsoft Office documents such as docx, pptx, xlsx and other Open Document files such as odt, ods and odp. In our Zimbra and Nextcloud SaaS service we offer Onlyoffice integration in order to view and edit … Read more

How to “Show Original” in a Zimbra Email

One of Zimbra’s features is the ability to display the full content of received messages, in order to analyze technical aspects, such as the antispam system score, or message headers, among other information. In order to view the original content of a Zimbra message, we have to go over the Zimbra message from which we … Read more

Build OnlyOffice from source code (2021 ver.

IMPORTANT: if you want to use a newer version of Onlyoffice, you can refer to this documentation: Compilar OnlyOffice desde el código fuente (2022) Introduction Onlyoffice is an online Office suite based on Web. It lets you to edit Microsoft Office documents such as docx, pptx, xlsx and other Open Document files such as odt, ods … Read more

Como añadir direcciones confiables para visualizar imagenes en Zimbra

En Zimbra, por defecto, cuando se recibe un correo electrónico con firmas o imágenes embebidas en el cuerpo del mensaje, el sistema en algunas ocasiones NO muestra las imágenes por defecto, por que algunos navegadores bloquean este contenido. Para evitar este problema, existe una opción en las preferencias de Zimbra, para poder mostrar imágenes embebidas … Read more

Manual gestión antispam con SpamExperts

SpamExperts es una empresa líder en el mercado de la seguridad en correo electrónico. Para ofrecer el servicio más seguro a los clientes de bTactic, hemos integrado la herramienta SpamExperts en nuestros Servidores de Zimbra. De esta forma, para aquellos clientes que necesiten un nivel de gestión antispam más potente, los correos entrantes y salientes … Read more